Silver Birch Innovations

We make it ​easy to stand ​out online





Cost Accountability & Efficiency

It can be difficult to understand what ​your ad budget actually produced ​when you advertise on more traditional ​channels like direct mail, radio, etc. ​Digital advertising, however, can ​account for the impact of every penny ​spent.

We help clients get new customers on ​their website, and understand both the ​cost and value of making that happen.


There are more than 2 billion websites ​on the internet. Without digital ​advertising, search engines like Google ​decide which sites a potential ​customer sees when they search for ​businesses like yours.

Digital advertising gives us the ​opportunity to identify and reach users ​searching for the products & services ​you provide.


It’s easy to open a Google Ads ​account and get it running. It’s also ​easy to waste a lot of money quickly if ​the account isn’t set up properly.

Silver Birch Innovations has helped ​businesses run successful digital ​advertising campaigns since 2012, and ​we’re proudly still managing the ​campaigns of our very first customer.

Laura Lowery


Silver Birch Innovations

I left a career in commercial real estate to work for my ​home church in 2007. By 2010, financial pressure ​related to the recession forced the church to lay off all ​employees excepting pastoral staff. I offered to ​continue to manage the church's online presence as an ​independent contractor and began to actively seek out ​additional clients at that time.

Since then, I've had the opportunity to work with a broad ​portfolio of B2B and B2C clients (both international and ​domestic) with monthly budgets up to $150K. I'm ​grateful that I have the opportunity to do work that ​interests me and helps other people, while still being ​able to be home to meet the school bus.